We Manufacture Custom Sinks – These Molded Sinks Are Created As One Piece With The Countertops

Ours integrated PolyStone sinks differs from the competition in that the sink is actually poured into the mold as part of the countertop. This eliminates the seemed stress point that the others have. Our competitors will claim a “seamless” sink, but ours is different because it IS seamless. It is manufactured at our local shop into the countertop piece. At Venetion Custom Countertops our integrated molded sinks are the ultimate in a smooth-line look, durability, and make cleanup time a breeze.
Looking For Something A Little Different?
Poly Stone is available in hundreds of color combinations. Our library of colors might already match what you’re looking for.
Cultured Marble Benefits
- No grout or cracks – easy to clean
- Stays free from mildew and germs
- Seamless design – no leaking!
- Dozens of colors and styles
- Custom molded to fit any design need
- Available in matte or polished finish
- No grout or cracks – easy to clean
- Stays free from mildew and germs
Cultured Marble
We manufacture an extensive line of cultured marble products, including sinks, vanity tops, paneling, shelving, windowsills, and custom-cast products designed for both beauty and durability. We offer a large assortment of standard and custom-blended colors and can match all colors.

With our manufacturing and fabrication facility that’s located in Helotes TX, we are able to supply home builders and homeowners fast and accurate product solutions. For commercial applications, our facility can provide and customize the solution you are looking for.
Or Call VENETIAN MARBLE & GRANITE At 210-695-3505